Mark your calendars, folks, the day has come!
I'll be distributing buckets and instruction sheets on Monday, JANUARY 9, 2012!
I've been brainstorming Fourth World Composting Co-Op for a long time, and now it's coming to fruition. I'm currently soliciting members. If you live in Douglas you should join! Here's my solicitation postcard--feel free to pass it on!
Hello Neighbor!
This is a message from Forth World Composting, a new FREE composting service in North Douglas. I distribute buckets to neighbors, they fill them up with food scraps, then I collect the buckets and compost the material! Easy for you, good for the landfill, and garden compost for me! If you are interested in joining please contact me and I will add you to my rounds. Remember, this service is FREE--you just need to sign up! Help a neighbor grow a garden and reduce your trash at the same time!
I hope to hear from you soon,
Lisa Daugherty
I hope to hear from you soon,
Lisa Daugherty
Contact: 789-1283 or
Fourth World Farm
Fourth World Farm
Here is all you need to know about the program:
I will collect your bucket every Monday and leave an empty one in its place. Leave it at your front door or at the end of the driveway.--wherever I will see it is fine! If you find you have more scraps than a bucketful let me know so I can give you two buckets a week. If you have leaves or grass clippings from your pesticide-free yard bag ‘em up and leave them with your bucket.
Simple Dos and Dont’s
What to put in:
Moldy food
Egg shells
Fruits and vegetables
Breads and grains
(raw or cooked, it all goes in)
Coffee grounds & filters, tea bags
House plant leaves
Garden waste
Small pieces of paper (not glossy)
Finger nail clippings & hair
Used tissue
Dust pan sweepings (plastic free)
Moldy food
Egg shells
Fruits and vegetables
Breads and grains
(raw or cooked, it all goes in)
Coffee grounds & filters, tea bags
House plant leaves
Garden waste
Small pieces of paper (not glossy)
Finger nail clippings & hair
Used tissue
Dust pan sweepings (plastic free)
What NOT to put in:
Meat scraps/bones
Meat scraps/bones
cooking oil (trace amounts ok)
Fruit/vegetable stickers (trust me, they don't break down)
Anything that’s toxic
Fruit/vegetable stickers (trust me, they don't break down)
Anything that’s toxic
The list looks long, but it's really straightforward and simple!
Call 789-1283 or email with questions or concerns.
Thanks for reducing your landfill usage!
I'm doing this as my Master Gardener's Volunteer Project. Actually, I was going to do this before I took the class, so the MGVP is just my excuse. To give you an idea of where I'm trying to go with this, here's a copy of my project proposal:
Project Name: Fourth World Composting Co-op
Intended Recipients: Residents of North Douglas at first, then the whole community. The members who sign up for my composting co-op will benefit by having their garbage reduced and turned into fertilizer. The community will benefit by saving landfill space for things that are actually garbage. Once my co-op is running smoothly I will put together a written (and perhaps video) guide for other people to set up their own composting co-ops.
Purpose of Project: To reduce the waste of Juneau and get luscious compost in return!
Intended Outcomes: I hope that this project will get people thinking about their waste and ways to reduce or eliminate it. I also hope that people who have the space for it will use my model to start their own co-ops. It would be wonderful if they city got on board and made a commercial facility. Lastly, I hope I’ll have lots of great compost so I can expand my garden into a co-op in itself!
Participating Master Gardeners: Lisa Daugherty
Time Frame:
Start Date: I’m going to start soliciting members right now. The actual composting will start January 9, 2012.
Interval and time of Service: I’ll pick buckets up once a week
Completion Date: Hopefully there isn’t one! If it works, it works! I’ll put the outreach guide together after a full year (all the seasons!) of running the co-op.
The Process:
Put together Directions Sheet for members
Participant Parameters: Food scraps only. No meat or bones. Can also offer leaf and grass clipping collection from pesticide-free yards if bagged or toted up.
Put together postcards to solicit members
Make a database of members including name, email, phone number, address
Acquire buckets @ Costco and print basic instructions on lids
Distribute buckets and Directions Sheet.
Collect buckets on Mondays (N Douglas trash day), compost material, clean buckets, and return
Collect cover materials (seaweed, leaves, rotted bark--in addition to manure/straw from my barn.) as needed
Build new compost bins as needed
Put together a written guide on setting up and running a composting co-op. Possibly a Power Point or you-tube video. Have my co-op available as a model for others to visit.
There it is! If you want to join, email me your name, address, and phone #. If you know someone on Douglas who might be interested, by all means, pass this on!