Wha-hoo for spring and the thawed out hose! It's great to rinse buckets outside.
After 185 buckets, we've kept 1194 pounds of food out of the landfill! Thanks for doing your part to eliminate waste and cycle nutrients into our soil!
If you haven't heard already, I started composting for Rainbow Foods. Their staff has graciously loaded up buckets, and after one month we've kept 1015 pounds of food out of the landfill. I'll be expanding to pick up their paper waste in the very near future. I'm so happy to be working with wonderful people who are willing to make composting work in the workplace!
Please, please, please remember to take the plastic stickers off your produce. They really are plastic and really don't decompose. If you have trouble remembering, try pealing them off before you eat your fruit! It will be very tedious for me to pick thousands of produce stickers out of the finished compost.
If you forget to put your bucket out I will no longer be able to leave you a new one. The co-op is up to 20 members, and I can't keep track of who has multiple buckets. If you want to bring your missed bucket by my place you are more than welcome to, but please understand that I can't run around doing pick-ups on multiple days. Monday is the day. If you want to keep composting but your bucket is full, simply use your own (labeled) bucket.
Remember that any food or drink except for meat can go in your bucket, cooked or raw. Paper napkins, towels, and tissue are welcome! Also, if you add a scrap piece of paper or egg carton to the bottom of your bucket it makes cleaning so easy for me!
If your pesticide-free yard generates leaves, grass, or weeds, bag 'em up!
If you're interested in helping out with the project, there are a few simple ways you can:
- Score some buckets & lids! When you're at Costco ask at the deli--they usually give them out two at a time. You can use them when you forget to leave your bucket out, or leave them for me at pick up to give to new members
- Tell your next-door neighbor about the co-op! Wouldn't it be neat if your whole apartment building or street composted? Most of time I spend on this project is the actual pick-up of buckets. If I can pick up two or more buckets at the same stop I can efficiently expand my services!
- Consider composting at work! If your office/place of work is interested in composting, consider being the bucket person! I can provide you with a bucket (5 gallon if need-be) then pick it up from your house.
Thanks so much for making composting in Juneau work! If you have any questions or comments about the project, please feel free to contact me. Feedback can only help the process. Keep up the good work and have a great day!