If you're not familiar with Monsanto, here are a few Wikipedia notes about the Monsanto company:
- They are the creators/manufacturers of DDT, Agent Orange, and PCBs, all highly toxic chemicals.
- They created Round-Up as a weed killer. Then they made Round-Up-Ready corn, wheat, canola, alfalfa, and cotton seed. (This means the plants that bare your food get sprayed with Round-Up, don't die, and go on to produce your food). Upwards of 200 million tons of Round-Up are applied in the US annually, and it doesn't decompose. We all need clean water to drink....
- As of 2012, Monsanto is associated with 11 active Superfund sites and 20 archived sites in the US
- They are responsible for all the rBHT (and artificial growth hormone) in our milk.
- They are the makers of genetically modified corn, soy, and who knows what else. These products are widespread and are not labeled in the US, so if you're not buying organic, you're eating GMO. What's the big deal about GMO? It hasn't been tested, so we don't know if it's safe. See the above track record and wonder if Monsanto cares if GMO is safe.
Here is a list of companies who have dumped $$ into the anti-labeling campaign. Do your health and the planet a favor and boycott them!
Did you know our government subsidizes corn, Monsanto's major seed crop, which needs tons of Monsanto's pesticides? 2011 saw upwards of $4.6 billion in corn subsidies! This subsidy in turn makes cheap corn-based animal feed and processed foods. So here our tax $$ are working in two ways:
- They help corn farmers afford Monsanto's GMO seeds and pesticides, and
- They help consumers pay less for their burgers, corn chips, and corn-syrup drinks.

- Monsanto has enough $$
- Considering the obesity levels in our country, I think it would be wiser to subsidize fruits and veggies.
Many produce items in the grocery store are from foreign countries because they are cheaper than US-grown produce. Why not subsidize the healthy food instead of the processed food and keep diversified fruit and veggie farmers in business? Producers and consumers would win. The way things are now, only Monsanto wins.
I also think of the extra money I spend on organic food as a form of health insurance. By eating organic I can bypass the chemical residues that remain on/in non-organic foods. Think about it this way:
If you were getting ready to spray Round-Up on the lawn and your son dropped his apple into your mixing bucket, would you let him eat it? When you buy non-organic from the store, essentially the same thing happened, but you just didn't see it. Seriously, would you let him eat it?!
The food system in our country is quite the out-of-site-out-of-mind phenomenon for most people. It's infuriating to think about what we are being fed, both literally, mentally, and subconsciously. Most of us aren't buying our food directly from farmers who can tell us about their practices. It's a scary food world out there right now, and the organic label is something we can rely on.....and even that is a statement I don't fully believe. With a large chemical company running the agricultural system of this country I wonder how easy it is for them to makes changes to the USDA organic certification standards. With organic gaining such popularity I often wonder if more farmers are switching to organic production or if standards are lowered so the label includes more farms. Ensuring that large farms are operating within the guidelines is also a fine line.
Huck's first potato harvest |
I first heard of all this back in 2001 in a sustainable agriculture class at UMaine. I never thought it would get this bad. For more info on GMO, Monsanto, and the corruption of the EPA, check out the internet--there's tons of information out there. A good start would be watching a few of the many food documentaries, including Food Inc. and King Corn. Get appalled,disgusted, and inspired to feed yourself!